What Does a Bug Hotel Do?

Placing a small bug hotel in a quiet corner of your insects garden might be a much more powerful project than you think!

Buying a bugs house has enormous benefits for your flowers, wildlife, and the wider world.

Here the AllPetSolutions team runs through some of the top reasons to choose bug houses for your outdoors.

The Purposes of a Bugs Hotel

There are thousands of wild minibeast species here in the UK, but many are dying out or struggling to cope with lost habitats due to urbanisation.

Bug houses provide somewhere safe and warm to sleep, rest and hibernate, benefitting your garden from reduced insect pests (a favourite snack for ladybirds) and increased species such as hedgehogs, bats and frogs.

An insects garden is also a great learning opportunity for children, who can track their tiny friends through each life cycle and understand how the smallest ecosystem impacts the bigger picture.

Will a Bug Hotel Damage My Plants?

Quite the opposite - bugs come in millions of forms, and while you'll be keen to rid your garden of aphids, which love to munch on your prize blooms, a bugs hotel will keep them at bay.

Do Bugs Hotels Improve Pollination?

One of our most treasured species, the humble bee, is vital for spreading pollen. Buying a bugs house is a great way to increase the number of beneficial insects, including efficient pollinators, and enhance your garden.

Bees love clean, dry homes and bug houses made from natural materials. You'll get more visitors if you place your bug hotel in warm, sheltered spots with plenty of sunlight.

We'd also advise buying a purpose-built bugs hotel, as these are free from things like timber preservatives and chemicals that repel sensitive small creatures.